
Minkowski sums and differences

Minkowski sums and differences are used in collision detection algorithms like GJK and EPA becuase — very loosely speaking — they can do a sort of “root finding” operation for polygons.

But what is a Minkowski sum?

Formally, it is the set of each point in polygon $A$ added to each point in polygon $B$, as if they were put into a table:

$+$ $A_0$ $A_1$ $\cdots$ $A_n$
$B_0$ $A_0 + B_0$ $A_1 + B_0$ $\cdots$ $A_n + B_0$
$B_1$ $A_0 + B_1$ $A_1 + B_1$ $\cdots$ $A_n + B_1$
$\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\ddots$ $\vdots$
$B_m$ $A_0 + B_m$ $A_1 + B_m$ $\cdots$ $A_n + B_m$

If it helps, you can think of it like an “image filter” or a convolution, just instead of doing things with pixels you are doing it with points in a polygon.

And of course, the same thing applies for the minkowski difference, just with subtraction instead of addition:

$-$ $A_0$ $A_1$ $\cdots$ $A_n$
$B_0$ $A_0 - B_0$ $A_1 - B_0$ $\cdots$ $A_n - B_0$
$B_1$ $A_0 - B_1$ $A_1 - B_1$ $\cdots$ $A_n - B_1$
$\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\ddots$ $\vdots$
$B_m$ $A_0 - B_m$ $A_1 - B_m$ $\cdots$ $A_n - B_m$

If you wanted to, you could probably come up with “Minkowski operations” that apply for any operation on vectors or points, but these are the ones most useful for us.

A quick visualisation

Before we move on, we should probably get a visual idea of what some sums and differences looks like. It will help us think about how this is relevant to collision detection:


Image showing what a minkowski sum looks like visually

Difference (not colliding)

Difference (colliding)